Friday, May 22, 2009

Several hats and a cardigan

I finished my lacy cabled cap, and gave it to my friend today. She loves it! She told me she used to have a cap like that, but she had lost it and was very happy to have a new one. I'm pleased -- I picked the pattern because it reminded me of her.

I finished the cap on the subway on Wednesday night, which means I should probably be grateful for the fact that there have been delays on the Orange Line every night for two weeks. (I'm not grateful.)

I'm going to start swatching for my Millefiori cardigan tonight, and I'm hoping to work on it a little in the car to Massachusetts Sheep & Wool tomorrow. (I say "hope" because Adam doesn't like me knitting in the car -- he's convinced that we'll get into an accident and the airbag will propel my needle into my heart, or something like that. He's a worrier.)

My real traveling project is a set of hats for a newborn. I'm starting with a chocolate bunny hat, and I want to make a similar rocket hat (the baby will belong to one of Adam's coworkers), then a lacy hat and a cabled hat, probably of something like my own design. It's kind of nice to make baby stuff, because it's so small that I feel accomplished after a few nights on the subway.

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