Saturday, May 16, 2009

I've been neglecting this blog, but I'm back and determined to use it. I'm going to try to chronicle my crafting on a more regular basis so I don't bore my other blog's audience half to death.

On the knitting end of things, I'm mostly between projects -- I'm almost finished with a lacy cabled hat for one of the techs in the lab, but I don't want to work on it this weekend because it's a nice portable project to take with me on the subway. (Except for the cabling part. I suspect, after trying it, that cabling a hat that's already on 4 DPNs on the subway is the definition of insanity.) I love the hat, but I might end up ripping back to the start of the decreases to modify the cables. We'll see.

In more knitting on the subway news, a girl sitting next to me on Friday evening was noticeably staring at my knitting, which made me uncomfortable enough to drop a stitch. I don't mind people asking about my knitting, or looking over casually, but she was sitting right next to me and was obviously staring. Awkward.

I'm really itching to start on my Millefiori Cardigan, but the yarn is still on a FedEx truck somewhere. I looked through the pattern today, and am slightly apprehensive -- this is definitely going to be the most challenging piece I've ever made, not to mention the biggest.

On the sewing end, I made a table runner from a vintagey lemon print. Next weekend I'm planning to make matching placemats. I'm definitely still a novice sewer, and the table runner is not perfectly rectangular, but I don't mind the obviously handmadeness of it. I also patched two pairs of ripped jeans -- no more sending them to my mother-in-law, who patches them with stiff iron-on stuff! I patched them with pieces cut from an old pair of capris, which matched perfectly and which are already worn soft.

I like sewing, and I'm excited to make myself skirts and handbags, but I don't think I'll ever be as excited about sewing as I am about knitting. Still, now I can make sweaters with skirts to match!

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